New Year's resolutions are all garbage and we all know it. We let the media push it down our throats every year without complaint. That is why I love June! June is the best time to take stock of life, goals, and really do a proper self assessment. Why you ask? Well I'll list some reasons...
1. June is a sunny time of year for most places in North America.
I don't know about you but I am happier when it is sunny. You want to try walking more, new foods, be more adventurous, etc. June is the time to do it! There are all sorts of festivals and fun stuff going on in June. Try making those changes in January when it is cold, miserable, wet, snowy, etc and you will find yourself like all the other lemmings diving off the cliff. Do yourself a favor try new things when it is sunny and you automagically feel good!
2. The gym is empty.
Number one most made and broken resolution is working out more. Gyms are crazy packed in January! Good luck finding open floor space much less a machine to work out on. Gym nuts hate January for a reason. Don't have the cash? Well in June the weather is nice so you can run outside, or cycle, or walk. Last time I checked walking was free. There is a big buff guy or gal out there who is thanking you right this second for joining a gym in June and not January.Do yourself a favor join a gym in June.
3. No pressure.
Anyone ever ask you what your New June resolutions are? I thought not. In June you have time to think about, "What are my real goals?" instead of trying to squeeze yourself into the tiny lame-o resolution box. Try discussing wanting to learn how to knit, particle physics, kick a football 50 yards, throw a discus, ride a horse, feed a bum, etc at a New Years party and see how far that gets you. You get the "Oh you are a dork!" face as they move on to another lemming. Do yourself a favor and make a goal in June you actually want to accomplish.
4. New Year's is about getting smashed.
To all of you who thought, "No it's not!" stop lying to yourself. Why is every cop you know working on New Years? Why are there so many celebrations over the change? I mean June first just rolled around! Toot! Happy New Year! That was the last May 31st of whatever year that just happened. Yet you go to work and do the same boring stuff. You didn't get hammered on May 31st. (Unless it was a weekend, or you are a complete alcoholic. If you are please get some help. Don't waste the beauty of life on an incomplete water molecule attached to two carbon molecules.) Do yourself a favor, if you are not getting smashed go to bed early. (unless you are like me and love fireworks, I am such a sucker for fireworks)
5. New Year's is arbitrary
Ever stop to think that every day is special and no day is special? I often hear people talk about 11/11/11, or other dates they think are super important. "Well what about yesterday?" I ask. Yesterday was the only day of it's kind what did you do to celebrate it? Most of the time the answer is nothing. Chinese New Year, totally random day on the western calendar, Jewish New Year same deal, Muslim New Year, well you get the picture. Some Cesar, King, or religion back in the day said this day is special, that day is not, here is the calendar, blah, blah, blah. Do yourself a favor and value every day. It is the only one you have.
6. A sense of urgency
You look at your goals and think, man I only have six months to get all this done! With that kind of time frame you really have to focus. There is no time to lie to yourself and say, "I have a whole year I'll do it tomorrow." It is a psychological trick you can play on yourself. Nope if you want to get something done in six months you really have to shut out all the other crap in life and focus, focus, focus. Do yourself a favor and focus on one thing you want for the next six months and totally go for it! You won't regret it.
So there you have it! Six reasons why June is better than January and always will be. Even a poet once wrote, "What is so rare as a day in June?" Don't waste them!
Got any of your own ideas for why June is better than January? Post away!
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