...he emerged from the rubble of what he once thought was life. He learned lessons never to be forgotten or repeated. From then on his wisdom among men grew and they called him "The Last Pretender". The End
Wow, I just wrote that and even I want to be that guy!
A lot has changed in my life in one short year and a list, although it does not encompass the full range of experience and grandeur, is the most succinct way to accomplish this. From June 2010 - June 2011 here is what has happened.
1. Set off fireworks with the Elliots. I chose this over a large party with no fireworks. For the rest of my life I will always choose setting off fireworks over anything else on July 4th. Meet with the President of the United States or set off the fireworks at any major city? It's no competition the fireworks win. Sorry Mr. President.
2. Met Rachel ,now my girlfriend, at a barbecue
3. Camped together with Rachel and friends at La Push (West coast of WA) Had an awesome time! My sunburned feet were swollen for two weeks afterwards.
4. Started a new job, went from being a Lab Tech (analyzing blood, and other body fluids) to Lab Information Support
5. Stopped having to do the Reserve thing in OCT/NOV. Reservists are total slackers, don't let anyone tell you any different. YAY! One more year and I'm completely free from the military!
6. Christmas with the family and New Year's Eve with Rachel and friends watching the fireworks at the Space Needle. Live and for the first time! Cold but totally worth it.
7. Moved out of a crummy house in March, and into an awesome house with roommates
8. Started back to school in April and changed jobs again (see #9)!
9. Started working for SIEMENS supporting Laboratory Information
10. Into my first graded class, I have dated Rachel for 8 months, I am watching kids on Sunday mornings at 0900 so their parents can attend a service.
It has been super exciting, challenging, and busy! I know one thing for sure I have missed writing and even if I just throw something on here occasionally it is better than nothing. I hope I have learned something over the past year and have grown into a more loving person.
Forget New Year's resolution! June is the time to take stock of life!
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