...you just might get it.
I haven't posted for over 3.5 months. (Wow has it been that long? Yeah, talking to myself again) Do you ever have that time in life where you are hemmed in behind and before? If not it isn't the greatest feeling in the world. I got to this point where I didn't know what to do. I was operating under a life paradigm of "Andrew has a problem, Andrew comes up with a way to fix this problem, Andrew creates a goal list and 10 steps on how to get to the solution to his problem." Swirl, mix, repeat. I had a modicum of success, but even that was unfulfilling. All I ever seemed to see was my failure.
Then suddenly I lost "it". Whatever "it" is. I lost the desire to write, I lost the desire to try and continue to fix myself, I got really, really tired. So I stopped for a minute. I stopped and asked God for help. I asked God to humble me and change me so that I could get some joy in life back. God in His grace answered my prayer, and that answer is what I will post for the foreseeable future. That's all for now!
...to be continued. (Cheesy I know but you should have come to expect no less)
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