Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Beginning

Greetings to all who are reading this blog. It has been some time since I have written in some type of public forum, and although my posts were not widely read I found some solace in writing as I always have. Since leaving the military and a certain community contingent I have explored, grown, been challenged, and experienced an overall good life change. I haven't written about any of it and so I feel I have lost some of the good that can come when sharing with others. A friend of mine once said, "I would give up occasional epiphany for life long consistency". It was a good thought and while I used to think he was right in the either/or sense, I now believe in a both/and construct. I think that by living consistently you can have constant epiphany. This thought has stuck with me for quite a while and brought about what you are now reading.

I feel distracted above all things and often wonder what greater good I have given up by constantly being pulled in twenty different directions instead of just focusing on one thing. Right now I am a dim light bulb, instead of a sharply focused laser. Yes, It may have made me a better conversationalist, but it has also created in my heart and mind a feeling of unfinished business in everything I do. I feel like I cheat others of something excellent I could produce, I cheat myself by not finding satisfaction in being an excellent finisher, and I cheat God by not working for His glory. This writing is dedicated to focusing on doing what I love to do (write) to the glory of God and do it consistently. The goal is to post at least one thoughtful piece each week for a minimum of a year that follows three criteria:

1. The post must convey a sense of exploration in walking with the eternal God (real relationship) without the trappings of religion (lifeless rules).
2. The post must have a focus on love instead of self.
3. The post must contain at least one action associated with it.

I want this to be a positive output because I often fall into the trap of listing things I am against versus what I am for. As a Christian I want to be know as being for an eternal, perfect, loving, father God instead of just a rules based guy who is against certain things. This outlook seems to create a more positive outflow of writing for me, instead of sarcastic, critical, rants against things. I also want this to be a positive thing for people to read. More often then not I think we read and listen to "news" for entertainment. Most of it is bleak or an attack on something, or someone. As the news agencies like to say "If it bleeds it leads!" When was the last time a news article or blog prompted you to think differently, do something differently, or change something in your life? If you can't think of one then let me be the first. For those of you who read, if you decide to comment, a good place to start would be letting me know if I am meeting the three criteria listed above. Also if there is a challenge let me know how it worked out for you, or what you learned.

I also believe that the written word can change people's, thoughts, minds and hearts, that what we input has a direct relationship to what is produced (GIGO, fruit, and Pareto). By restructuring inputs, quality, and focus I want to produce something worth writing! I also want you, gentle reader, to be reading something worth thinking about, something of quality, something that challenges you. There will be a variety of topics from politics, economics, health, management, God, writing, science, games, books, poetry, sports, movies, music, etc. Hopefully I can keep it organized by topic using the Labels feature, but we'll see!

The grand experiment has begun!


Next post: Why I called this blog Quantum Peculiar.

1 comment:

  1. In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum unit of any physical entity involved in an interaction
